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15 July 2022


How to test for Covid lung long term conditions. Simple evaluations and questionnaire to determine if your lungs could use some rehab.

24 May 2022

Where to look if you have sciatica pain

#sciaticapain #legpain #selfcareforlegandsciaticapain If a person has sciatica or is prone to have sciatica pain most times there are common areas of...

29 April 2022

Want a simple solution to headache and neck pain?

#headacherelief #increasingneckmovements Here is a video on a simple range of motion exercises you can do at home or the office to reduce headache pain...

28 April 2022

Do you have knee pain with squatting or walking up stairs/hills?

#kneepain #squattingkneepain #exercisesforkneepain This video shows an easy to do exercise at home to reduce knee pain. Our goal is for you to do one...