Specializing in pre-trial case valuation

Our doctors perform comprehensive case management, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis.

We determine permanency (impairment) evaluation through objective tests. In the past your may have been missing demonstrative evidence to overcome deceptive rhetoric.

Plaintiff Independent Medical Examinations (PIME) & Peer Reviews:

Plaintiff IMEs we do an in-person evaluation of your client with the goal of determining causality, bodily injury and persistent function lass. We may look to order any medical tests that could help in the determination. Examination may include: dual inclinometer computerized range of motion, orthopedic, neurological, spinal EKG's, gaps in care review of medical records, and review of tests including MRI, X-ray and Alteration of motion segment integrity (AOMSI) studies for ligament laxity. DRE (Diagnosis Related Estimate)(impairment) determinations. You will get a report with proxiamal cauality and demonstrative supporting images and medical journal citations.

Initial case evaluations:

As primary spine care specialist we are the most qualified to determine the effects of trauma on the spine in order to make an accurate diagnosis, prognosis and treatment plan. Our specialized providers work with other medical specialists to co-manage care and refer out as the quarterback of your client's care. Evaluating the mechanism of injury, reviewing records, doing a through neurological examination and ordering needed tests will give you a complete understanding of the value of the case along with giving your client the best possible recovery. Our providers have years of experience and qualifications and work many different disciplines of medicine.

  • Timely reports
  • Results Sent Automatically
  • Court Witnesses
  • Demonstrative (colorized pictures) narrative reports
  • Medical Legal Staff Training Experts
  • Free case reviews


101 5th St E #227, St Paul, MN 55101


  • Demonstrative Reports: Image Colorization + Report Langauge + Graphic Examples $400/hour
  • Peer Reviews: Review of records+ consultations with client + narrative report $800
  • Plaintiff IME: Review of records+ through examination with client + narrative report $750 = $250 if further imaging is required.
  • $500 for AOMSI study and report -Automation of disc degeneration for age-dating, biomechanical lesions, Certify the necessity for ongoing care, Pro-Rata based on AMA Guides Impairments Segmental ligamentous pathology Name the exact ligament impaired.
blue skeletal vector from behind spine glowing red

Initial case evaluations and determine initial treatment plan and further testing or referrals :

As primary spine care specialist we are the most qualified to determine the effects of trauma on the spine in order to make an accurate diagnosis, prognosis and treatment plan. Our specialized providers work with other medical specialists to co-manage care and refer out as the quarterback of your client's care. Evaluating the mechanism of injury, reviewing records, doing a through neurological examination and ordering needed tests will give you a complete understanding of the value of the case along with giving your client the best possible recovery. Our providers have years of experience and qualifications and work many different disciplines of medicine. Cost:we bill insurance